Wednesday, 1 February 2017

5 Fantastic Reasons Why Introverts Are Special

“You should speak more” and “You should open up to people more” are only some of the many suggestions I get all the time. Yes I’m an introvert but I’m a different kind of introvert, a special one. Earlier when I used to get such comments, I used to try very hard, use up all my brain cells to come up with something to talk about. But I don’t do that anymore because I have learned that nothing can change my personality and that I must adore it. Today when people give me such suggestions I tell them that it's a matter of choice. If you choose to talk then I choose to remain silent and give my input only when I feel it’s necessary. If you take 100 words to express what you feel, I can do that with only 50. It’s a talent. I am talented.

Do your friends also constantly nag you because you speak less?  Or ask you to come out of your shell? And does it happen that even after sincere attempts, you are unable to break your shell? It’s not necessary for me to say that you’re an introvert because you very well know it. 

As an introvert, you must be facing several occurrences when you are forced to leave your comfort zone and speak more than you desire. It’s not your fault, people wrongly assert your silence as ego or pride, or simply lack of interest and hence you find no other solution than to speak up.  And does it happen that even if you try to prove everyone wrong by going out of your way and speak out more words than usual, you end up achieving only moderate success? Sometimes does it also happen that while in your endeavor to speak more, you end up making a total blunder? Like you blabber on pointless topics and make a fool of yourself or at the very best offend the listener? 

Again, it’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault. Your personality allows you to speak only when you’re comfortable and totally willing to speak. You are an introvert and that’s okay. It’s actually amazing to have such a personality and its high time that you considered it as a unique feature rather than a shortcoming. And It’s also above time that you started promoting yourself as an introverted who is special.   

Do you think that this is absurd? Do you feel that being an introvert, in any sense cannot be something to be proud of? Well, I have reasons for you to think otherwise. 

Below are the 5 reasons why introverts are actually special. 


      1) Introverts do not require presence of other people to feel elevated

While there are those who always require an audience to feel complete, introverts enjoy their own company. They are actors in the motion picture that they created. Introverts are perfectly comfortable being in solitude. They do not require a gregarious atmosphere to do their “thing”, they are in fact more productive when alone. But its not like they do not require a close companion, everyone does. But the introverts are such that they derive strength from their own selves. They are their favorite companions.

      2) Introverts are extremely out going

It is a wrong notion that all introverts are shy and reserved. It is possible that some introverts are more out-going than the extroverts. As introverts enjoy their own company, they absolutely have no troubles in experiencing things alone. Introverts are frivolous and spontaneous. They find something that interests them and they do it, with or without companionship. Be it hitting the theaters alone, dining alone or even going on a solo trip; introverts are capable of everything.

      3)  Introverts are more Insightful

Introverts are better in introspecting. As they prefer solitude, they dig in deep into a matter, focus on all important points and then come with conclusions. While there are people who use their creativity in dealing with other people, making their presence felt in the world; Introverts use their creativity in introspection and hence constantly stimulate their thoughts and ideas.

      4)  Introverts make better friends

Anyone will be lucky to have an introverted as a friend.  Introverts are not the social butterflies (obviously) and hence they have only a few close friends. They can count their close friends on one hand and as for them the process of building a close friendship with someone is tough and bumpy; once achieved they give their all in the friendship. Introverts know how to make their friends feel special. Plus they’re excellent listeners and so if after a really bad breakup if you want somebody to accompany you while you cry, yell and pour your heart out; your introverted friend will be the knight in a shining armor. They will sit and listen to you for hours together, without any interruption and after your sessions of wailing, they’ll treat you will an honest, straight from the heart response.

      5)  Introverts will never fail to surprise you

Any kind of relationship with introverts is never a state of harmony, it’s always a process. A process of getting to know them, a process of building a bond.  They always carry a big bag full of surprises yet to be revealed.  As introverts share things about them as per their comfort level, at every stage of a relationship they’ll share something so unexpected about them, that it’ll surely blow your mind. They have so much that the world doesn’t know and so many crazy plots unknown to everyone. Relationship with an introverted is like climbing down a step well, you feel that you’re just a few steps away from the main bottom but in reality, the number of steps is indefinite!